Important Update for Blocs Tutorials and Templates
I have decided to take on a huge task to host and manage all of my tutorials and templates on my website.
UPDATE from 2021: I am back with Podia, so the post below is 'the old news'.
Moving to the new Platform
If you have purchased my templates or tutorials in the recent nine months, you might be aware of the difficulties I had with the payment processing. In addition to that, it’s getting more and more challenging to browse hundreds of videos I have added to Blocs Master.
I am moving everything to the new platform I have built on my website. This approach will have some advantages and disadvantages, but I think that overall it is an improvement. Plus, I will have the freedom to customize and improve the UX depending on the feedback I will receive from you.
Let me tell you what’s going to change.
Blocs Templates
From September 19, you will not be able to login into your Blocs Templates dashboard. When a new customer purchases Blocs Templates, he/she will receive an email from Paddle with a download link for an archive with all templates for Blocs 3 included.
When I add a new template or update existing ones, I will update this archive with all templates. So, if you want to refresh your local Template Library, just download the updated archive with all templates using the same download link, which you receive when you purchase the templates.
I know that not everyone will be pleased with this change, because some people prefer to download each template individually.
At the same time, I had many request to provide a simple way to download all templates at once, and it turns out that the majority of Blocs Templates users download all templates right after the purchase, and then don’t even come back for the updates.
By the way, to reduce the size of this archive, I will not be including the HTML export files with the packages anymore (only BLOC, BEX, and resources folders).
All existing Blocs Templates members were sent an email confirmation of their purchase today. DO NOT DELETE this email, because you can use it when you wish to update your templates.
Blocs Master
For the past few months, I have manually created over 300 lesson pages and navigation sidebar for the better browsing experience. The new approach has its cons (you won’t be able to see what videos you have watched already), but it has its pros (much better browsing).
I also plan to add more written directions under video lessons in the coming weeks.
Accessing Blocs Master Courses
When a new user purchases the access to tutorials, he/she will receive an email from Paddle with details on how to gain access to the courses.
Existing Customers
Of course, the biggest task for me is to move all of the existing students to the new platform.
Mastering Blocs 3. You will receive an email from me with an access details to the page, where you can access all of the tutorials I have ever created.
Blocs 3 for Beginners. You will receive an email with access details to the course page.
Blocs 2 Courses. If you have previously purchased any paid courses for Blocs 2, you will receive an email with access details to all Blocs 2 tutorials.
There will be problems
Starting today, I am going to send out all emails with access details for your courses or templates. Some of you will receive several same emails from me. I need to do this to make sure as many people as possible know about this significant change. I expect many people will miss these emails, and as a result, being unable to login into their Podia accounts. I have set up the ‘Recover Your Purchase’ page in case you can’t get hold of your purchase.
I am asking for a bit of patience from you. I am sure that when we move everything to the new platform, Blocs Master students will love the new learning experience I am going to provide.