Entrepreneur Template for Blocs
I have been asked to share the template of my own personal website with Blocs Templates members. I am doing exactly that.
I have redesigned my website just about 6 months ago, when I was beta testing Blocs 4. Since then, I have been asked a few times by Blocs Templates members if I can share this design as a template for Blocs 4.
I really like the minimalist look and easy to manage structure of my website, so I was hesitant to release it as a template, because, obviously, if I do release it as a template, it means that I need to redesign it again.
But, after giving it some thought, I have decided that I will release it as a template and rebuilt my own website from scratch, using Blocs 4.1. The new template is called Entrepreneur, and it is available for free to all Blocs 4 Templates members.
My new website is still under construction, and I hope to launch it sometime in the near future.